Course curriculum

Course Description:

This course is designed for oilfield professionals who are interested in learning from the most experienced oilfield demulsifier bottle testers. All aspects of field demulsifier bottle testing from system survey to overtreating are explained in great details.


Bottle test equipment and basic procedures are discussed in Level 1 course.


Course Format:

Online presentation with audio, 70 slides


Course Topics:

Demulsifier bottle testing overview

Bottle Test Variables

Produced fluids sample points

Produced fluids sampling technique

Chemical ratio (dosage)

Chemical diluted or neat

Add free water or not

Agitation - largest controlled variable


Settling time

Bottle Test Design Step by Step Instructions

System survey to establish testing criteria

Determine oil / water ratio in the tests

Find temperatures

Calculate chemical dosages

Calculate oil and water residence times

Calculate amount of agitation

Run ratio tests to verify bottle test variables

Finalize bottle test procedures

Sample bottle test procedures

Discussions on bottle test results

Solids in grind-out

Treating window

BS in top cut

BS in mixed cut

White foam or un-natural looking oil quality

Extremely fast water drop

Signs of overtreating

Best Practices for Trouble Calls

Interview operator

To do list